Are you dreading the end of summer already? Quit yer bitchin’ and get to Toronto patios for straight up chillin’! Make the most of the glorious weather by soaking up as much sunshine at these fresh AF rooftop and hidden patios in Downtown Toronto!
As a self-proclaimed human Yelp, I’m obsessed with exploring new spots in my city – home of the Toronto Raptors, the NBA champs!!! – as much as I do gallivanting around the globe. This is why I’m starting a new blog series, 6ix Picks, where I will be sharing my Toronto-focused finds whether it’s neighbourhood go-tos, Chinatown favs or where to have a girly night out.
Today’s 6ix Picks showcases what Toronto patios (rooftop, hidden or otherwise) – to lounge on while it’s still nice out. While there’s no shortage of patios to choose from, these were chosen specifically because they’re fairly new to the YYZ scene so you probably haven’t visited yet. Ditch the tried-and-true in favour of boldly venturing forth in search of new patios to lounge on like a drunken Christopher Columbus.
But mostly I chose these Toronto patios specifically because I’ve been to most of them recently as they’re all under a 10 minute walk from my workplace 🤷🏻